About the vibe

Life and Purpose.
Health and Wealth.
Feminine and Freedom.

You can have it all.

Tamra leads the way with women. Empowering and showing them they can have it all. You can have the life you desire and experiences you've been craving. You can have the confidence to walk in a room with a sass that could kill and with a look to die for.

She is The Woman.

It began with...

Her Story

Tamra had all the external confidence in the world, everything around her was fine, but inside she was crumbling.

She pretty much had everything going for her, but for her it was never enough because she was never enough. She couldn't receive the opportunities that were right in front of her because she didn't believe she deserved them. And when she tried and went for it, she felt she couldn't because she didn't back the person she was. 

Girlies, we know where this leads. 
Because she was so closed off in her core. 
She was so closed off in her body, in her confidence and in sex. 
And then obviously one day after a lifetime of perfect periods, she experienced the period from hell. 
Her body was screaming at her to listen, but she didn't know how. She didn't know where to start.

So what she did, she started from the basics. Started from scratch. 
Because she wanted to be proud of who she was. 

She became crystal clear on her vision and never gave up, even during the times it didn't look like it was going her way. 

She healed. She lead by example and went into those uncomfortable shitty feelings so she could be free of them. She did the breast massages, anger releases, breathwork, orgasmic meditations, you name it, she's done it even though she was absolutely, extremely, astoundingly uncomfortable doing them. 

I mean, we're talking about the girl who was afraid to move her hips too much because she was scared of being labelled as a 'slut', but sure let's do some lap dances to heal.

She travelled. She experienced life. She got her spark back. 
Overtime, everything came together and started clicking. She felt confident. 
She felt like she could own herself fully. 

Embracing who she was completely. 
Dancing wildly, letting her hair down, saying the wrong thing, saying no more, screaming yes when it's a full body yes and most importantly, being the woman she always knew was inside her.

Tamra guides you no matter where you are in your journey to become the woman you are deeply craving to be. 

This is her purpose. She's here to help (really she's here to fucking empower you)

About the Ceo

Hey, I'm Tamra Santucci

The Modern Woman's Life & Health Coach
Podcaster & Speaker 
Life Lover

I'm kind of obsessed with empowering you to be all you can be.
It's what gets me jumping out of bed.

My mission is to empower all women to own the f*ck out of themselves so they don't live a life less than. They stand up, proud of who they are and live the big life they damn want. 

No worry.
No fear. 
No judgement.

The belief

Every woman has

the power within her.

You have the ability to 

reach your limitless potential

Take the leap,

you can't fuck it up

The fulfilment

is in the journey.

Life gets to look like

Slow beach days, rich city nights 

Four Day Weekends

CEO of your life vibes

Sun-kissed Glow

Heart opening love

Life. Yeah, it gets to be like this.

Meet your coach

The human behind the brand, Tamra Santucci

Get to know me a little more

Currently live in Aus. My dream is to live by the beach and also live in New York.
(complete polar opposite, I know, but why are we limiting ourselves?)

I LOVE the song Sarà perché ti amo 
(pls look it up, you’ll know it, trust me)

Belting out a good song at the top of my lungs is my passion

I love a good rom com. Oh, and I’m a Disney girl through and through. One of the reasons I'm so excited to have kids is so I can have Disney on repeat
(I do already do this, I will admit)

I have big dreams, my vision is to run multiple successful companies, speak on world stages, make great shit and transform lives. 

My relationship is everything to me, we were friends first and met at a triathlon event.
It was both our first triathlon too! 4 years later, we're engaged and have bub on the way.

My soul sisters mean the world to me, quality > quantity.

Since falling pregnant, my values and priorities have changed a lot. What I thought I wanted doesn't actually matter to me. Health, wealth & connection are more my vibe now.

FOREVER INSPIRED BY my loves; real health, being my best self, learning, spiritual growth, sensual empowerment, womanhood,  never fitting into a box, constantly evolving. 

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It's time to take your bra off and settle in to your comfy spot with a cosy beverage and let's begin.
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Reclaim You

You get to have it all

Stop thinking you can't. 
Listen to your soul and heart.
If you desire it, start.