Good Girl Gone

From people to living your fk yes life

This is for the woman who wants to free herself from the invisible cord trapping her. No longer will you need to people please or look a certain way to be accepted. Welcome to the place where you give yourself permission to lead the life you want.

Join Good Girl Gone

We've been conditioned to be the good girl, but at what point do we become our own

This is the sitch.

You have a 'need' to please other people before yourself because you don't know any different. It’s always been that way and always will. 

You say 'I don’t mind, whatever you want to do', when in reality your body is either screaming to you this is what I want or FK NO.


Feeling like you have an invisible cord around you pulling you to feel obligated to the ‘authority’ in your life because it’ll be the worst thing on the planet if you disappoint someone.

Can never speak your truth and/or speak up for what you want because you never want to ruffle any feathers and always need people to like you.

I'm calling the kind of women forward who want to feel free 

to live their soul calling

I'm so ready for this

Good Girl Gone will

Guide you to break out and be yourself - the powerful version of yourself.

Own your FK yes and FK no’s.
Spend your life living by these.
No obligation.No duties. No cords.
You feel free to OWN your life and be your own version of who you want to be.
Being human, making a mess, falling but then owning it when you get back up. Evolving.
You own your opinion.
Say what you want to say from your heart and with power.
Your happiness is no. 1 You know your energetic capacity.
You freely help, but your energy and your soul’s happiness is no 1.
You respect that and others do too.
You’re your own version of perfect.
You break away from the norm or other people’s version and create your own.
You’re proud of the girl in the mirror, how she looks, who she’s being
You embody the f*ck the should's mentality.
You don’t need anyone else’s permission; you’ve stepped into your power.

Here's the truth

This is not a quick fix program. This program will guide you to step into your power, if you're open to it and show up. 

It's the perfect blend to kickstart your empowerment journey. 

If nothing changes, nothing changes. The question to ask yourself;
"Are you completely fulfilled, happy, thriving?"
Here's the chance to own your power and get the soul freedom you've been craving. 

Now’s the time for you. 
If it’s not for you, that’s perfect, but I’m guessing you came here for a reason.
What is important to you about living?
What is important to you about shedding the good girl? 
Imagine your dream life for a second, how are YOU showing up in this dream life? 

If you shed the good girl - think no more feeling the need to say yes when you want to say no, wearing the sexy black dress without worrying about being labelled, or needing to pretend to be someone you’re not to make someone else happy - how would you feel? How would you be living? What would be different? Is this something you really want? 

Guaranteed to transform

Permission to be you

Break free from the good girl

Boundaries without being a b*tch

Cultivate your personal power

Plus a likeminded community to encourage, support and call you forward.

The Details

Good Girl Gone.
Just that.
Kill the good girl identity.
Become the woman

1 x group healing call (60 - 90min in duration)

1 x subconscious reprogramming track & Step into your Power guide

7 day community embodiment challenge

yep, this is for me

Isn't it time...

you own your feminine power 

The difference between Good Girl Gone program and The Woman Program

Good girl Gone is a kickstarter program to heal 1 aspect of you being the woman. 
The woman is a deep healing experience program into owning everything to do with being your woman and creating your unique blueprint. 

Good Girl Gone is a lower investment and a bit more of a group program style whereas at this point in time, the woman is 1:1 work and is over 8 weeks. 

Both complement each other perfectly, even if you've done the woman, good girl gone is an amazing way to move out of your comfort zone and expand yourself. 

Likewise, Good girl gone is the perfect way to start your embodiment journey.

ok get me in!

ready to go all in on your dream life

Let's create your


I'm so excited you're interested in working with me! 
Click the button below for a free chat so we can get to know each other better and work out the right program for you to start.

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