The Woman

The initiation into womanhood

This isn't a program giving you a specific formula to be just your average woman. Oh no love, this program is THE program to step into the dream version of YOU. We're going deep into the land of transformation.

JOin the woman

Let me guess, currently;

You're not owning yourself in the bedroom

Which means you're second guessing and doubting yourself outside the bedroom too? You're probably not feeling completely nourished after sex or feeling like your wildly confident self, which doesn't just limit you in the bedroom.

You're not owning your dirty side even though you really want to

You think it's wrong, bad or shameful to own or even show this side of you. You're worried that people are going to judge you and overtime you let yourself play small because it's easier that way.

You're the people pleaser of your family

You struggle to say no when you want to say no, it's been your identity for as long as you can remember. You always 'need' or 'should' help and be the good girl, you can't step out of that. You're craving to be your own your own person and be the woman. 


you listen to your soul

Get ready for your ultimate transformation

You've been waiting for the call to be in your feminine, radiate with confidence and own yourself unapologetically; it's time to become the woman.

Sex becomes freeing for you. You get out of your head and into your body because for the first time you know and believe you’re enough. You feel so secure in your relationship, you wear the risque outfit you normally wouldn’t wear but have been DYING to try, you LOVE having sex because it’s not a chore and hasn’t become something that just pleases ‘him’. 

Self love is the bare minimum. You fall back in love with the real, authentic, quirky you and feel confident to share that boundary you’ve been avoiding with your mum, share the weird, goofy side of you to the guy you’re dating, or speak up for that raise you know you're worthy of.
You embody your feminine energy with ease. You know what it feels like to feel sexy in your skin but also get shit done, to receive gorgeous flowers from your date but also never falter on your standards, to own your wild, dirty, chaotic side but also feel this calm storm within you.

You FULLY own you. Even during the hard conversations with your boss, at the uncomfortable family gatherings, during an argument with your lover, you never falter, or settle for less than the standard of a woman who owns her fucking worth.

The woman can speak her truth, hallelujah!!! You’re not afraid to own your opinions and speak up for what you believe in. Especially when it’s with a friend that’s crossed your boundary, with someone you met that tells a joke that you didn’t find funny, or when they get your order wrong for dinner. And it always comes from the energy and the place of a highly valued woman, never ‘bitchy’!

Be the woman; she is you

I'm ready to become the woman!

I know you're craving

To be the complete badass version of yourself

You want to own the fierceness of who you are and drown out the noise of anything else that second guesses that.

To have it all

Believe me, I thought I couldn't either. Here's to having the enriching relationship, the r rated sex, the confidence in yourself without feeling guilty of being too much. Let's drink to having soul sisters embrace your weirdness, the slow beach days and rich city nights.

Because you're a woman. You choose your roadmap. 
You create your dream lifestyle.

To become the woman

The woman you desire to be, the woman that has it all because she owns her truth; in the bedroom and in her life without ever washing herself down 

Here's the truth

The Woman program is like nothing else you've experienced. Gifting you the blueprint to become the woman you want to be. 
We're healing your sh*t that's been holding you back, diving deep into feminine pleasure and leading your life with confidence. 
Women need this because they suppress their truth and power in their sexual and sensual side. We think it’s bad, we think it’s wrong and the worst thing if a woman has sex. If we believe this about a part of ourselves we are not experiencing the fullness of life because we put shame and guilt on our desires.

But there's a catch 22, because in our soul all we're craving is to live life fully and with complete freedom, to create and make our rules and to do so unapologetically. 

So we’re here to unleash and unleash all parts of ourselves with boldness that we would otherwise hide, or deem wrong. We are here to let our true desires be heard and to own them with confidence. 

Because when we do, we skyrocket to complete freedom, to our truth and live in a completely different way. We live with unshakeable confidence, with fierceness, with boldness. We have more fun, own our passion and are happier. Happier because we’re free. There’s no need to pretend, because who we are is pretty magical.

Guaranteed to transform

full body yes energy only

unapologetic in the bedroom

unleash your full self

cultivate your personal power

This is complete no bullshit program.
The key to these results is you going within. 
Going where you don't want to go; into your shadows so you come out completely at peace owning all sides of you.

We're tired of

The mundane being the mundane. Sick of doing the same shit, feeling uninspired. Lost our spark. And living a life that isn't ours

We want more. 
I invite you to dare to dream, 
and dare to choose you.

Tamra has a unique holistic approach that enables you to heal from the root.

You feeling like you can't have sex with the lights on isn't going to be solved by you going to the gym 4 x a week. It's an internal body confidence thing. 

You take the risk, commit to yourself like you never had before and feel like you’re living your dream life even before you’re in it.

Through working on yourself, you know who you are and your purpose finds you. You know what kind of life you want to live, what kind of person you want to be and you can finally remove the shit that doesn’t mix with your new standard. 

I need this!


your time is now

Love Letters

My life has changed immensely! I am finding my voice and speaking my truth. This is huge to me. I have always been a people pleaser and through working with Tam, I've learned that I'm doing both myself and others a disservice by not doing and saying what I want because I am not being authentic if I do so. I feel free of these restraints and though I am still learning, have realised I owe no one nothing - only myself. By cleaning my throat chakra, I've also found I no longer experience jaw pain and teeth grinding during my sleep. I am also so fuckin confident now. I'm even wearing red lippy! I COULD NEVER DO THIS BEFORE!!!

— Shannon

Not only have I seen my change, but others in my circle have too. I have learnt to forgive not just others but myself, I have learnt that there is no easy path but the path I create with my mind, body and soul to find my way through my journey and this was with the mentoring and guidance in your program. I am continuing my journey to discover my strengths, my wealth and my love and this is my purpose. Thank you Tamra for mentoring me along my journey 💗

— Gordana

My life has changed since working with Tamra, as I have let a lot of sadness and heaviness go, I would say I feel a lot more worthy now of achieving the life I want, even if I’m still working on my mindset towards this, it no longer feels like something I don’t deserve, I don’t hate myself for the past & I’m starting to trust myself again. It’s been a few weeks since I finished working with Tamra, and I’m starting to get my sexual energy back, something that I completely lost last year, I feel like I’m starting to challenge myself and be brave again in my life to follow my intuition or just do things that are fun or scary, it feels like it’s coming back - my spirit for life - which I honestly think is the most precious thing about me, and I’ve missed these emotions for a long time. Things feel more achievable, I realise I can change things and I have the power to do so. It’s possible for me to have love in my life, to wear beautiful outfits, to feel sexually empowered - all of this and more is so possible- yes I do have to put work in, but I see it’s possible. 

— Eve

ALl the details

In one place.
Walk with more lit up confidence.
Welcome in more fun and purpose into your life.
Take action as your dream self.

This program isn't built out of luck. It's guaranteed to transform (if you're open to it and show up that is)

For 8 weeks, you'll be working 1:1 with Tamra in her most intimate coaching program. 

Each week is unique and personal to you. You'll have a 1:1 healing session as well as pre-recorded modules and extra resources the embody the woman you desire to become.

Some topics may include:

There is no other program like this. Where it brings everything a woman needs together. A whole unique experience as she is.

Tamra uniquely blends holistic modalities for guaranteed results.

Inner child healing & setting your foundation
Become confident in sex and money
Awaken your sensuality 
Heal your masculine and step into your feminine
Own your authentic power and confidence
Heal your heart and open your capacity for more
Heal your throat chakra and embody speaking your truth with ease
Connect to your higher self and manifest your dream life
Embody your dream woman

ok yep. I'm in!

Isn't it time...

you receive everything you've been dreaming of

Say hello to: 

More confidence in your body and owning parts of yourself you didn't think you could without worrying what others think 
A sense of wholeness in yourself because you no longer have to pretend
The permission to own yourself unapologetically
Saying yes when it's a full body yes and no when it's not 
Feeling so secure in your power without the need to play small
Feminine lead soul living where you receive more, feel more sexy in your every day and feel LIT up rather than waiting for something else to light them up

Say buh bye to:

Saying yes when your whole body is screaming at you no, because you know you're burnt out and sick of giving into obligation to your family or work.
Feeling fine. You know life isn't meant to be like this. You want to feel magic, wild, pleasure. 
Self doubt always creeping in and sabotaging when you feel like you've finally made a break it always seem to scratch back in, leaving you question is this all I'm meant to live up to.
The lack of life in your face, that no amount of makeup can give you the glow because you know on the inside you've just lost your spark.

I'm claiming this for myself!

Quick FAQ's

If you have any further questions, you can email me or book your free chat below.

How do I join?

The bare minimum is showing up for 1.5 hours each week. If you show up for that time with an open mind, you'll get results. The pre-recorded modules and resources, you'll have for life. But remember, the more you put in, the more you'll get out of it. If it's a priority for you, maybe there's a different approach you can take. 

What's the investment?

This 1:1 intimate high level coaching program is a low 4 figure investment (AUD). This investment is a reflection of the results you'll get. This may be a stretch to empower you to step up and believe that you're worth it, trust that this money comes back to you tenfold.

When does the program open?

As it's a 1:1 program, it's open to start at anytime, providing Tamra has coaching spots available. It's a high level container that Tamra takes seriously in who joins as she deeply cares about her clients and their results. This program may not be for you, if you're just here for a quick fix and not going to show up 110% for yourself. 

I want to join but I'm strapped for time, how can I make it work?

To join the woman, you will need to submit an application form (takes less than 5 mins to complete) or you can book in a free chat with me. Just click any button on this page and it'll take you to the form or scroll down and you can book in your free chat. Tamra takes who she accepts into coaching seriously as she deeply cares about the transformation and the time she puts in for her clients. Please only apply or book in your free chat if you're serious.

ready to go all in on your dream life

Let's create your


I'm so excited you're interested in working with me! 
Click the button below for a free chat so we can get to know each other better and work out the right program for you to start.

Book your free chat